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​Why Texol?
Texol offer special customer driven service and support
We offer technical support and lifetime service contracts for all systems both directly and internationally through our distribution network,
Nitrogen Generator Range
All our GeniSys Nitrogen Generators offer optional integral compressors, stand-by modes, easy installation and simple maintenance.
GeniSys MicroGeN2
The MicroGeN2 Nitrogen generator produces flows of up to 200cc/min of high purity nitrogen, whilst having the smallest footprint of any nitrogen generator on the market
High purity nitrogen (up to 99.9995%)
Flow rate of 200 cc/min
GeniSys NitroGenerator- The award-winning NitroGenerator is a flexible and expandable state-of-the-art Nitrogen generator that produces flow from 1-10 l/min. They are designed for constant use, in laboratory or other applications where the purity is important.
High purity nitrogen (up to 99.9995%)
Flow rates from 1 l/min to 10 l/min
80 psi (5.4 bar) outlet pressure
About Texol
Who Is Texol?
Texol is an experienced technical
solutions and manufacturing
company based in The United
Kingdom. We offer innovative
product design and development
with excellent service support.
Markets and Applications
Our traditional markets are laboratories in Universities, research, Life Sciences and Industry. Texol is a bespoke solutions organisation which has expanded into many other industries and integrated into differing applications including: Drilling tool inspection, digital x-ray machines, laser cutting/photonics, Oil blanketing at oil fields and food packaging. We can provide unique products for specific customer requirements and we produce one of the smallest foot print Laboratory Nitrogen Generators on the market, which is highly utilised in.
GeniSys NitroGenerator- LCMS- Designed for the Mass Spectrometry market the GeniSys NitroGenerator-LCMS is an extension of the NG range with flows from 15 to 60 l/min. The system is economical to run producing nitrogen only when needed
Purity range (99%-99.9%)
Flow rates from 15 l/min to 60 l/min
100 psi (6.8 Bar) outlet pressure

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